Chicago, a bright spot on the tip of Lake Michigan, glowing through the clouds.
— Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) March 23, 2013
Tag Archives: space

Why not? Build your own Apollo Guidance Computer.
I built it in my basement. It took me 4 years.
If you like, you can build one too. It will take you less time, and yours will be better than mine.
This video is like a multivitamin for your Sense of Wonder
If you’re like me and terrible at math and wear glasses and anyway too afraid to go up in space strapped to a giant fireball:
Now that’s a deep infield
Ever wonder just how far the astronauts of Apollo 11 went on their historic moonwalks? You’ve seen a baseball diamond, right? Well…
Five Years on Mars!

Spirit landed on Mars five years ago today. I recall being overcome with emotion when it landed, watching the joy of the crew at the JPL, knowing that the human race had sunk a jump shot from millions of miles away.
These Mars rovers rekindled my imagination and belief in an American space program. Let’s hope we can keep the momentum going through these difficult times.
- Did you know you can follow the rovers on Twitter?
- There’s a very nice reflection at Cumbrian Sky.
“The Universe, Yours to Discover”
The International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) will be a global celebration of astronomy and its contributions to society and culture, highlighted by the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei. The aim of the Year is to stimulate worldwide interest, especially among young people, in astronomy and science under the central theme “The Universe, Yours to Discover”. IYA2009 events and activities will promote a greater appreciation of the inspirational aspects of astronomy that embody an invaluable shared resource for all nations.
Gonna have to come up with some ways to get my daughter even more excited than she already is about space and astronomy…